Ono Fire Company Gaming Grant

On August 27, 2009, Lebanon County Commissioners heard a request by Ono Fire Company representatives Chief Matthew Hetrick and Vice President Gail Smith to sponsor a Dauphin County Gaming Grant. The funds originate with Hollywood Casino. Based on conversations with Dauphin County Commissioners, Commissioner Stohler was of the opinion that a resolution was in order. Commissioner Litz referenced phone conversations with Dauphin County grant administrators and the Dauphin County web site, which excludes Lebanon County as an applicant ( http://www.dauphincounty.org/community-economic-development/gaming-advisory-board/faq/ ). Commissioner Carpenter shared a July meeting with Dauphin County officials, and stated that only one applicant would be accepted for consideration at this time. The application would have to go through East Hanover, Lebanon and partnered with East Hanover, Dauphin. The two EH's agreed upon a shared road project to be financed over two years. Ono Fire Company was encouraged to apply for funds through East Hanover Township.

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